Aviat API

For microwave and millimeter-wave based wireless experiments using Aviat radios, we provide a set of wrapper APIs for configuration as well as measurement. The APIs currently supports only basic commands. In future, we plan to enable additional configuration related APIs will to provide more flexibility to change the radios configuration at more finer level. Following a containerized resource provisioning of ARA, the APIs runs inside containers. The APIs interact with Aviat radios and for configuration and querying the status of radio/link. More information on launching containers for Aviat-based experiments can be found in AraHaul Experiments.

Measurement APIs

The APIs are used to measure the performance-related parameters of Aviat radios and the mmWave/Microwave links.

aviatcli carrier show capabilities <Carrier name>               Checks the radio-carrier capabilities from local-end
aviatcli carrier show status  <Carrier name>                    Checks the local node's real-time radio-carrier status
aviatcli radio show capabilities                                Checks the radio-link capabilities from local-end
aviatcli radio show status                                      Checks the local node's real-time radio-link status
aviatcli carrier show capabilities <Carrier name> --remote      Checks the radio-carrier capabilities from remote-end
aviatcli carrier show status  <Carrier name> --remote           Checks the remote node's real-time radio-carrier status
aviatcli radio show capabilities --remote                       Checks the radio-link capabilities from remote-end
aviatcli radio show status --remote                             Checks the remote node's real-time radio-link status

Configuration APIs

Configuration APIs are used to change the various radio-carrier parameters of Aviat radios and the mmWave/Microwave link

aviatcli carrier enable <Carrier name>                  Enables the specific radio-carrier at local-end
aviatcli carrier enable <Carrier name> --remote         Enables the specific radio-carrier at remote end
aviatcli carrier configure all [options]                Configures attributes at both local and remote ends